Saturday, 11 July 2015

Charity walk.....................................

here are some of the photos from the charity walk we did for our local hospice......................


this one is a little bit scary..........................

this is a dual carriage way that was shut down from 10pm until we all finished the walk................I drove down it the following day which was a little surreal!!

we were all issued with flashing bunny ears and this is the effect....................
unfortunately because the photos were taken on my phone it doesn't really do it justice..............

at this point we walking down the slip road from the dual carriageway and then under a bridge and the traffic were all honking their horns and shouting encouragement...................
If I'm honest it was quite emotional!!

Sorry it is a little photo heavy!!

We have now raised £1079.08 as a team which we named ourselves 'Practice make Perfect'

Now just as a bit of fun I thought I would see if you can guess who I am in the photos!!
I am pretty sure that none of you have actually seen a photo of me as I don't really like having my photo taken!!!!! I will put all the correct entries in a hat/bowl from your comments and the winner will be picked out by my OH and receive a Spellbinders die set (okay it will be second hand) I do have a few that I have never used (only to test cut) so I will find one out from my crafty stash and send it out to the winner!! How does that sound??
I hope you are still with me and not keeled over, but wanted to share with you all, the wonderful evening that we had and the camaraderie that took place, even the pubs en-route let anyone in to use the facilities and even closed the male toilets so the women could use them.....................amazing how people pull together for such a good cause..................
Anyway I will bore you no more...............just going to watch the end of the women's doubles...................what an amazing women's singles and hope it is not the last we see of Garbine!
I will hopefully be back tomorrow with a 'proper' post.............
enjoy the rest of the weekend.........


  1. Gail. You all did so well and a great amount raised. Gilian ( daughter getting married) and her team -podiatrists have just spent the day patching feet of folk doing a walk, bike and swim. They were lucky as they were told the forcast was for heavy rain. But it's just started to come on now. So at least it will have may it more enjoyable. Now I can't work out which one you are but I will take a guess and say the one with the shoulder length blond hair. Sorry you aren't crafting so much. I hope you will get back to it soon. I won the " peace on earth " die on Sue .wilsons blog and want to go cut it out and play with it to see how it looks. But I have been busy doing house things, maybe tomorrow. Well done to you and your team. xxx

  2. Hi Gail
    Good on ya all! Well done raising what you have.
    Well, I'm hoping that you're not the one with the beard hahaha!
    My guess would be, 3rd photo, at the front, looking down, wearing a necklace with a heart on it.
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

  3. Congratulations, well done you and the fantastic team on briliant Fund Raising.
    I would say first picture, your "right in the middle" or maybe the one on the left of the same picture ....... decisions, decisions!!
    Like Ang, I do hope your not the one with the beard!!!
    Thank you for your support.u
    Have a great day.
    Patricia C&C

  4. Great photos & a fantastic amount of money raised .

    I'm guessing your the lady behind the one with two rows of coloured dots on her face.


  5. I'm sorry I'm so late in posting I had been checking back but your page wouldn't refresh Well done to all of you What a fantastic amount you raised
    Now, the photos I think I'm too late for your draw but I think you are in the 6th photo down which you described as being a bit scary I think you're the dark haired one

  6. Hi Gail
    Hope you are ok as you have been missing for a while?
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

  7. Hi Gail
    Just wafting by again. Bit worried about you chuck. Hope you're ok?
    Ang x
